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Practicing Acts of Caring and Kindness

PACK~Connecting People & Provision


Practicing Acts of Caring and Kindness was birthed as a way of giving back to the community to those in need and a way to be a blessing unto others. This is done by providing helping hands to participate in city wide and diverse non profit organization functions of meeting social needs. This non-profit is proud to stand on the word of God in sharing the love and compassion of Jesus Christ through giving and loving those in need with respect, dignity and compassion.

The glory of God is the standard for our every thought and deed. If we seek a guiding principle for our lives, let the glory of God be of paramount importance. Whatever we do, it should be to the glory of God: “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Also, Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”   

PACK CONNECTION ~ Connecting People and Provision

PACK is supported by various funding sources; primarily through Paparazzi jewelry sales (Provision For the Vision) and ongioing community support.


You too are blessed to be a blessing....contact us to find out how you can bless another...


Loving Uplifting and Valuing Others


Loving Uplifting and Valuing others

Packs of Luv is an ongoing year around way to be a blessing to those less fortunate or those going through transition. Packs of LUV will be filled with personal care and inspirational items tailored for all age groups, Men, Women and Children! if you would like to be a blessing to another, you may Pick a Pack see amounts below...or sow a seed or an item to go into the packs...Don't have money no problem you can also sow time to put the packs together. Any way you can be a blessing in time, talent or treasure the recipient will greatly appreciate it and God will be glorified!!! Thank you for practicing acts of caring and kindness... CASH APP~$PACKJAX

Items included in each pack: Toothbrush & paste, body wash/cloth, deodorant, tissues & wipes, socks and/or gloves, individual packaged snack & drink; inspirational card, devotional for adults & book/toy for children, etc. additional items as needed for seasons.

Men Packs ~ $10.00

Women Packs $10.00

Children Packs $8.00

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